- Welcome and Mission Statement
- Letter from the Principal
- Curriculum
- High Ability Program
- School Performance Report
- School Calendar
Welcome and Mission Statement
Edgelea's Mission
Edgelea provides a structured, safe and consistent environment to maximize individual potential.
Edgelea Elementary School is one of the largest elementary schools in the Lafayette School Corporation and is located at South 18th Street and Beck Lane. Edgelea serves approximately 500 students in Kindergarten through fourth grade. The school houses several special programs. Elementary students identified as high ability for the entire Lafayette School Corporation are bused to Edgelea to participate in self-contained classrooms with G/T licensed and/or trained teachers in grades K through four. These students participate in the Confucius Classroom, learning the Mandarin language and culture. The school also serves those students with special learning needs, including a program for students who are hearing impaired. Edgelea is a schoolwide Title I School with an emphasis on assisting students with reading and math difficulties. Edgelea is truly a child-centered school.
The award-winning Edgelea staff includes teachers nominated for, who have been finalists, and who have won the Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence. All Edgelea teachers work diligently to meet the needs of all students by providing flexible, differentiated grouping and instruction focused on mastery of the current Indiana State standards. Because of the efforts of teachers and students, Edgelea has earned a letter grade of A the last five years and a Four Star status in 2013 and 2015.
Edgelea parents are welcomed to be active partners in the educational process. Parents volunteer, host programs and ensure that many resources and learning opportunities are available. The Edgelea TPA (Teacher Parent Association) meets monthly to discuss school issues and concerns and provides methods the school uses to better involve students, teachers and parents in the learning process. This group annually sponsors a Family Science Night, a Family Reading Night and a Fine Arts Night and many other events.
The Edgelea curriculum promotes problem solving, basic and higher level thinking skills and the Indiana Standards. The school provides many activities and learning opportunities such as:
- Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math
- Part-time counselor/social worker
- Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CRPBIS)
- Student Council for grades three and four
- Robotics Club
- EL Social Club
- Fourth Grade Ambassadors
Letter from the Principal
My name is Ana Ave, and I am the principal of Edgelea Elementary. I am very passionate about education, and I look forward to collaborating with you to provide our students with a rigorous, engaging and high-quality educational experience. As the parent to four grown children, I recognize the importance of a strong home-school connection. Parents are every child’s first and most important teacher, and I believe that by working together, we can ensure your child’s social, emotional and academic needs are being met.
Before joining the amazing Edgelea staff, I worked as an administrator for Delphi Community Schools and the Lafayette School Corporation. I have experience teaching first, second and fourth grades in the general education setting, and I have worked as a specialist/coordinator for special education services, too. My academic background includes my undergraduate degree in elementary and special education from Ball State University, my master's degree in science from Indiana University/Purdue University of Indianapolis, and my Educational Administrative Certification from Indiana Wesleyan.
I believe that great schools are the result of great teachers, so my primary objective will be to ensure that every student is receiving high-quality instruction from every teacher at Edgelea. In order to do this, I will be providing teachers with feedback on their instruction, making available quality professional development and reaching out to parents for support with academic and behavioral concerns to ensure our students are reaching their full potential.
I will be working closely with Mrs. Megan Gregory, assistant principal, to guarantee all of our scholars are intellectually challenged and have access to social and emotional support critical to children in their elementary years. At Edgelea, we believe kindness matters, and we strive to create an environment where all children feel safe to learn and to grow. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your families. Please feel free to contact me with your questions, ideas, suggestions or concerns at aave@lsc.k12.in.us.
Edgelea Elementary provides a comprehensive curriculum for elementary students. Edgelea emphasizes classroom instruction in essential skills and knowledge, as well as opportunities for students to explore their individual interests and develop talents.
Curriculum K-4
The Kindergarten curriculum shall include developmental activities in the following areas:
1. Language experiences, including oral, listening and visual activities.
2. Creative experiences, including music, dramatics, movement, arts and crafts.
3. Personal growth experiences, including motor skills development, health safety, nutrition and self-concept development.
4. Social living experiences.
5. Environmental and science experiences.
6. Mathematical experiences through manipulatives.
The curriculum for Grades 1-3 shall include the following curricular areas:
1. Language Arts with 90-minute reading block
2. Mathematics
3. Social Studies/Citizenship
4. Science
5. Fine Arts
6. Motor Skills Development and Health/Safety Education
7. Physical Education
The curriculum in Grade 4 shall include the following curricular areas:
1. Language Arts with 90-minute reading block
2. Mathematics
3. Social Studies/Citizenship
4. Science
5. Fine Arts
6. Health & Safety Education
7. Physical Education
In all grades, classes may schedule time either for additional experiences in any of the areas listed or for instruction in curriculum areas such as foreign language, creative experiences, practical arts or computer education.
Special programs available at Edgelea Elementary School include:
- High-Ability Program - a self-contained classroom in each of grades K-4 for identified academically gifted students
- Student of the Month - Principal recognizes students throughout the year for various accomplishments and positive character traits.
Certified specialists provide services in the areas of:
- Speech and Hearing
- Health Services
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Physical Education
- Counseling Services
- Library Science
Special Education classes for:
- Children with Mild Disabilities (LD/MIMH)
- Children with Communication Disorders (CD)
- Children with Hearing Impairments
High Ability Program
The ultimate test of any educational program is its success in encouraging and enabling each individual to achieve his or her fullest potential. Although the regular school curriculum meets the needs of most students, it does not serve adequately the needs of those highly able students who require special challenges to develop the many different kinds and degrees of ability or talent they possess. An educational program specifically designed to enable highly capable students to achieve at their own pace and at an appropriate level is an essential part of the total educational commitment. Such a program meets the needs of the individual, offers K-12 continuity, provides for peer interaction and develops responsibility for learning.
The Lafayette School Corporation is committed to the implementation of a program for high-ability students that will develop skills and attitudes that lead to a life of learning, self-development and service to society.
The Lafayette School Corporation’s High-Ability Program is based on a consideration of the characteristics and needs of high-ability youth. It addresses the concerns of students, parents, educators and the community in its attempt to meet the needs of high-ability students in general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, leadership, creativity, and the visual and performing arts. The K-12 program provides for the sequential development of higher-level thinking skills, study at an appropriate pace and level, appropriate materials, opportunities for independent study and research, and appropriate activities within the school and in the community. The elementary K-4 self-contained classrooms are held at Edgelea School. Additionally, each elementary school has an elementary cluster classroom for each grade, K-4, in their building. The EXCEL and Challenge Programs for grades 5-6 are held at Sunnyside Intermediate School and for grades 7-8 at Tecumseh Junior High School. The high school program consists of honors and AP classes at Jefferson High School.
Eligibility for placement in the High-Ability Program is determined by consideration of ability and achievement test scores, academic records, teacher recommendations, parent referral, student self-referral and other relevant information. Parents who feel their children have need for High-Ability Program services may refer their children for consideration for placement by contacting their building principal or the following:
Mandy Fisher |
Lafayette School Corporation High Ability Coordinator |
Edgelea Elementary |
765-772-6029 |
Click here for links to files that may be helpful to parents.
School Performance Report
School Calendar
Calendar & Category Legend:
- LSC District Calendar
- Edgelea School Calendar